Mexico has a wonderful system of designating charming tucked away places as "los pueblos magicos" (Magical villages) and Malinalco most certainly falls into this category. Only a couple of hours from Mexico City, few people have heard of it, as it is truly off the beaten track, and thus, I am just a little reluctant to let you in on this best kept secret...but oh goes!!
Snuggled in an alluvial valley with its own microclimate, Malinalco is surrounded by tropical flowers, lush greenery and temperate forests; a veritable verdant natural paradise...
Everywhere conveys a sense of space, green fields, volcanic crags and beautiful views...

You can start an ideal day by having a leisurely traditional Mexican breakfast...
Wandering through the market full of carefully stacked pyramids of tropical fruit and vegetables...
Meandering along quiet cobbled streets past colonial buildings, churches with bunches of bananas hanging over the doors, and traditional cantina bars with swing saloon doors...
Don't forget to pop in and visit the 16th century Augustinian convent...
before heading up the winding stone path fragrant with bougainvillea, jacarandas, and both pine and palm trees, that leads to the hilltop 16th century Aztec archaeological site with commanding views of the whole valley...
If you are lucky you can be treated to a conch-blowing ceremony that a local guy just likes to perform here, communing with Nature and the ancient history embedded in the site...
Malinalco is the perfect chilled weekend retreat from Mexico City easily reached in two hours from Observatorio bus station. Boutique hotels and trendy restaurants are beginning to creep in but it is still essentially right off the tourist map. You can visit.....but ssssssssssssssshh please don't tell absolutely everyone!!!