Welcome to Esquinas Rainforest Lodge deep in the Piedras Blancas National Park near Golfito in the South of Costa Rica. It was opened in 1994 by the organisation "Rainforest of the Austrians" who are also responsible for setting up the National Park and thus protecting 70% of the rainforest in this area of the country.... and what beautiful rainforest it is too....

The tranquil and peaceful setting is a beautiful habitat for flowers...

Delicate and fragile wild orchids and violets abound...

.and it is possible to observe some beautiful toucans and scarlet macaws in the wild (of course the toucan turned up in the tree right outside our cabin after we had hiked for three hours through the rainforest looking for him!!)
..and wildlife of course - here is an iguana, red-eyed tree frogs (caught mating) and a sinister looking caiman emerging from the dark depths..

At the lodge there is also a biological research station for scientists and the lodge itself is a model of eco-sustainability for which it has received a three leaf rating amongst Costa Rican hotels. It has a special relationship with the local village as a significant percentage of profits are invested in La Gamba and recently a school, health clinic and cultural centre have all been funded. All employees at the lodge are from La Gamba as are the local guides. The lodge offers an array of tours from kayaking and mountain biking to guided hikes and horse-riding with such beautiful destinations as this nearby waterfall "El Chorro".......
You are served three meals today which are excellent and all derived from local produce, ingredients and juices. On Christmas Day all the guests were invited to make tamales with the kitchen staff which proved to be a very enjoyable (and fortunately edible) experience.....

All in all it was a very special place to spend Christmas 2009, and if you are interested in the lodge then go to
http://www.esquinaslodge.com/ and the founding organisation go to
http://www.regenwald.at/ for more information. Do remember though that you are going to a RAIN forest and even in the dry season that means RAIN - everyday!! For more gorgeous glimpses on the world check out My World Tuesday postings by clicking
here. Enjoy!!