Ash Wednesday was February 17th signalling end of Carnival and beginning of Lent - right?? Tell that to the revellers high in the hills in the tiny, remote village of Santa Catarina who were still happily in the middle of Mardi Gras on Sunday February 21st....
It's very hard to call a halt to fiestas here in Mexico especially if it involves costumes! Mexicans adore dressing up, masks and masquerades - any excuse!!

Half the men were dressed up in lavishly lurid costumes that mocked the Spanish Conquistadors who had dared to invade their land...

Check out the white masks, pointy beards, top hats, suits, ties, gloves and colourful umbrellas which were just so wonderful for twirling....
The other half were in drag (real women were sadly only specatators) with some making much better women than others. Mexican men seem to adore getting in touch with their "feminine" side and sexuality can be very fluid...

Check out some of the burly biceps here...... and it was this masked"guy" on the right who had somewhat alarmed us earlier in the day by suddenly popping up in the middle of a field as we were driving by oblivious that a carnival was afoot...

It was such a wonderful scene to stumble across completely by accident - another reminder that Mexico indeed is the Land of Magic Realism - serendipitous surrealism!! My two favourite images of the day are this guy in drag who began it all, and this little guy on his first carnival outing...
I also liked the fact that the very few Mexicans who had cameras were all asking to take photos of us (an unmasked Brit and a Canadian not in costume) as obviously we were the real oddities of the day!! A day that had all started out oh so normally with the Priest welcoming all the villagers to church...

For more gorgeous glimpses around the world this week, check out My World Tuesday posts by clicking here... Enjoy!