The Museo Universitario del Chopo has fairly recently been renovated and reopened, and is a wonderful place to visit. Firstly the wrought iron architecture is very interesting and easy on the eye as are the range of exhibitions.....

Currently on display until the 28th August is "Bestiario Imaginario" - the big, bold bronze sculptures of Mexican artist Jose Sacal who was born in Cuernavaca in 1944....

Welcome to his wonderful world of fantasy creatures with larger than life personalities. There are crocodiles on roller skates pushing prams, pigs on long-shanked stilts, and dynamic turkeys on wheels....

Outside the museum you can also see the mad menagerie of giant whales, striking bulls, pecking chickens, and monkeys paying banjos....

Museo del Chopo is very near to the beautiful Colonia Santa Maria La Ribera and can be easily reached by the Metrobus - just a couple of stops from Reforma. Check out what else is happening in the world this week by clicking
here for My World Tuesday postings. Enjoy!