Friday, November 20, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday 34 - Managua Airport

Managua International Airport, Augusto C. Sandino, in Nicaragua is a bright, spacious, airy kind of place providing a pleasant welcome to the country. This is the foyer and all the interplay of shadows, patterns, reflections and shadow writing caught my attention as I was waiting for my flight back to Mexico via San Jose....

And where else in the world could you see such an idealistic cosy shoulder to shoulder relationship between the States and Iran and Libya... Don't you just love this admirably objective choice of clocks showing the International time??

For more fun with shadows check out Shadow Shot Sunday by clicking here. Enjoy!


Sylvia K said...

Looks as though you had a fun trip and your shadow shots for the day are terrific! Love the sign at the airport -- you're right, that may be the only place we'll "that" group so cozy!

Have a great weekend!


XoXo said...

Wow, what a beautiful collection...they are just so interesting shadows. Have a nice weekend Catherine.

Ralph said...

This airport terminal is different from those in the US - it seems to offer more style and detail of the usual traveler's lobby. Almost artistic more than the usual secure yet sterile terminal. The world time choices are not the best, but I don't live there...

A Wild Thing said...

What a cool shot, nice catch...and wouldn't it be grand if we could all get along...but then, how would FOX news survive...NOT!!!

Have a sunny weekend!

Chubby Chieque said...

Hello Lady Globetrotter!

Such a great collection of shadow shots too.

Looks your loving your trips and I am really envying every stops you made. Fantastic!

Have a wonderful SS and keep heart in place.

Fly Girl said...

That really is an eclectic mix of clocks! Never would have expected to find that assortment in Nicaragua.

Maya said...

Very interesting shadows, these are the ones we miss sometimes if we aren't 'seeing shadows'.

Dimple said...

Neat shots, and an interesting & amusing narrative. Love the clocks!

Patti said...

Nice-looking airport terminal. I like the many reflections and shadows you were able to capture there.

Thanks for stopping by ~

Hey Harriet said...

It's a much more stylish looking airport than most I've seen. Bearing in mind I haven't seen whole lot of airports in my life... The last photo of the clocks is wonderful!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Love the metro look to these airport shots! I'm not sure I would've thought of taking shadow shots at an airport, but these are amazing.

toby said...

A great set of shadows and reflections - thanks for sharing them with us!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the composition of the top shot, wonderful! I really like the clocks too!

wanderlust said...

This is just beautiful. I love the reflection and the loneliness of the people on the bench. Great shot!

Janie said...

Great patterns and shadows. And yes, I do love the clock line-up. If only the nations could interface so smoothly.

Catherine said...

thansk so much for all your lovely comments - a delight to read as usual and much appreciated..

Amalou said...

That's an awesome shadow shot! I love your mosaic of shadow photos in the airport terminal, very creative.