Friday, May 13, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday 104 - Seattle

The sun did indeed only come out once the whole time I was in Seattle over Easter, but I did manage to dash downtown from Ballard and catch this patio overlooking the water whilst the shadows were still in play....

The terrace is just around the corner from the stunning Seattle Art Museum which has this striking sentinel figure guarding the entrance, and casting its own fine shadow....

Silhouetted against the Seattle skyline it makes for a striking shot - the hammer does indeed move up and down against the backdrop of the skyscrapers....

More about the wonderful exhibits inside in a later post - in the meantime enjoy other shadow shots from around the world by clicking here....


EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful shadows, Catherine. You took those photos from such great angles to make such interesting mosaics. If you can find shadows in Seattle - a notoriously overcast city - I bet you can find shadows anywhere.

robin. said...

great shadow shots...glad the sun came out so you could play.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Love the shadows on the patio...quite lovely - but that statue & his shadow make quite the statement - what fun!

Sylvia K said...

These are terrific, Catherine!! And I'm SO glad you did have at least one sunny day while you were here in Seattle!! It surely wasn't sunny the day we met for lunch and I was afraid you wouldn't get a chance to see how lovely it can be here when there are blue skies! We had some yesterday and it was WONDERFUL! Enjoy your weekend!


Catherine said...

Sylvia - all these photos were taken the day we met for lunch hahaha - that was the only sun i saw in ballard in the morning and out at the lock - then lunch with you and then i nipped back downtown and got these shots around the Art museum - it is a wonderful city!! thanks for staying in touch...

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Geometric art in cast shadows...lovely. thanks for sharing.
Beth P

Ralph said...

The wire tabletops and iron chairs leave such artistic shadows on the plaza. Like Sylvia says, you have to take advantage of the hit-and-miss sun in Seattle. Which you have. The sculpted 'musician' seems to be playing his jazz on the sidewalk. I can almost hear the stylish notes he is playing...beautiful urban shadows!

Kay L. Davies said...

Fabulous, Catherine! You have such a great eye for shadows. And I've seen the towering figure outside the Seattle art museum, and it's irresistible, isn't it? Even knowing that thousands of photos are taken of it daily, we just can't pass it up, it's so compelling.
Beautiful photos!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Your shadows this week are just plain fun!


A shadow’s a wonderful thing;
O listen! Can you hear it sing?
It tells of a time
Before there was crime—
Trust that and you’ll trust anything!

© 2010 Magical Mystical Teacher

Tree Healer

Gerald (SK14) said...

A lovely interesting collection

Lynne with an e said...

Great patterning made by those shadows! Excellent find. Amazing that there was enough sunshine to produce them. I was in Seattle when that Hammering Man was being erected. You can well imagine that there was some worry as to whether it would go up without a hitch, so to speak.

forgetmenot said...

Thank goodness the sun at least made an appearance while you were there. Great SSs - such interesting patterns on the cement. I love the sculpture too. Have a nice Sunday. Mickie :)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I LOVE public art! What exciting shadows to have found on your trip to Seattle! Be still, my heart!

annies home said...

what an awesome aray of shadows come on over and see what I shared as well

Beverley Baird said...

What great shadows! The tables and chairs make such lovely shadows. that statue/art is very impressive! Great shots for this week!
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

What a charming patio...I love those chair and table shadows!!

Anonymous said...

WOw nice series of shot! The one with archs and colunms are my favorite! (via Shadow SHot Sunday)

Light Trigger