This is the newest Museum on the block, located in Menton on the French Riviera, east of Monaco. This gallery only opened its doors on November 6th a month ago, and houses the full range of works by artist Jean Cocteau who is perhaps best known for his writings - La Machine Infernale and Les Enfants Terrible........

The tour starts at the Fort by the sea which still houses paintings, ceramics, and mosaics, and then moves to this stunning new gallery further along the promenade. The contrasting contemporary architecture of the new museum is quite striking in close up.....

In addition to writing dramas and novels, Cocteau was prolific in the visual arts of painting, film making, poster design, illustration, ceramics, murals, and mosaics. Rumour has it that he completely decorated a friend's house on the Riviera with large interior murals in her absence - when she returned she was not impressed, but his work still seems to me striking in its range, variety, and visual impact.....

Outside the old fort you can find these charming mosaic murals.....

....And outside the new Museum is this gigantic lizard mural - complete with a young unicyclist enjoying tracing the lines of the lizard....
Menton is easily reached by the number 100 bus from Nice or by train, and the town itself has many additional attractions to explore. Enjoy!