Some tend to avoid San Miguel as they perceive it to be "non-Mexican", due to the high numbers of N.American retirees who flocked here to live or buy second homes, when the town was voted in a Top Ten of ideal places to retire.

True, there is a strong, older N.American presence, but they tend to be of the quiet, inobtrusive variety, not only thoroughly into Mexican culture, but also off the streets and safely tucked up in bed by 9pm, so consequently the heart and soul of San Miguel, as essentially a Mexican town, remains very much intact.

I love coming here for a number of reasons. Firstly, as a woman of a certain age myself, it is a town where I always feel immediately rejuvenated and youthful with a spring in my step...
Secondly the charm of the quiet cobbled, colonial streets in ochre, russet and dusky pink hues never fails to be a constant, calming source of wonder and delight....

Thirdly, and probably mainly due to its new community, it is full of a wide range of great local art work, crafts, galleries, restaurants and cafes. My favourite place for breakfast is "El Buen Cafe" and dinner a toss up between "Tio Lucas" and "The Restaurant". My favourite place to stay is the converted monastery "Las Monjas" (500 pesos a double ).
Finally, what I really love most about this town and what keeps drawing me back for yet another weekend, is that you can always count on certainties never changing, and always being here in rather an iconic fashion......

The Mariachis always hanging out in the Zocalo...

The old, forlorn, disused petrol-pump always sitting on this corner...
The best looking bar cantina in Mexico always sitting on this corner...

And finally, the best looking horse in Mexico always standing outside the Cathedral......
What can you count on being there when you return to a much-loved, favourite place??